
Are VIA Disc Results Permanent?

Mar 11, 2025
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VIA Disc NP® is a cutting-edge therapy for degenerative disc disease, promoting disc repair and regeneration. If VIA Disc NP treatment is in your future, here’s how long you can expect your results to last.

Degenerative disc disease (DDD) is a surprisingly common cause of chronic back pain. Data show evidence that DDD is present in almost 40% of people in their 20s, although many may not have symptoms yet. By age 80, that number increases to 96%.

Advanced Spine and Pain Center is a leading provider of advanced treatments for DDD, including nonsurgical, minimally invasive VIA Disc NP® therapy. In this post, our team overviews the cutting-edge treatment and discusses how long you can expect your results to last.

DDD and disc-related pain

It’s important to know a little bit about degenerative disc disease, including what it is and why it happens, in order to understand how VIA Disc NP therapy works and the benefits it can offer.

Your spine comprises a series of bones separated by spongy discs of a tough outer layer (the annulus) and a gel-like interior (the nucleus pulposus). Discs protect your spine, provide flexibility, and promote pain-free movement. 

As we age, the discs lose moisture and become compressed, narrowing the space between our vertebrae. Friction between the bones increases, causing nerve irritation, inflammation, and pain. In addition to age, spine injuries, repetitive activities like heavy lifting, and even obesity can cause or contribute to DDD and its symptoms.

How Via Disc NP works

VIA Disc NP is a minimally invasive treatment designed to help repair damaged discs. During treatment, we inject the disc with a graft material composed of specialized ingredients, including tiny particles of the nucleus pulposus (the NP in Via Disc NP’s name). 

Once injected, the material absorbs water, “plumping up” the disc and supporting it to reduce painful friction. Over time, the graft stimulates natural healing to repair the disc and restore its function. 

Most patients see initial treatment results within a few weeks of their injection. As a long-term solution for DDD pain, Via Disc NP helps patients improve mobility and reduce or eliminate their need for pain medications.

Duration of your results

VIA Disc NP therapy is intended to be a one-time therapy, promoting disc regeneration and providing you with years of relief from back pain. In some instances, though, it may not be a permanent solution. Several factors can influence the longevity of your results.

Severity of your condition

If you have advanced disc degeneration or other disc- or spine-related conditions, the results of your treatment may not be permanent. In this instance, we can offer follow-up treatment to relieve pain and other symptoms.

Lifestyle factors

After VIA Disc NP therapy, it’s important to maintain a healthy weight and exercise regularly to strengthen core muscles and improve spinal function and flexibility. If you gain a lot of weight, lead a sedentary lifestyle, or practice poor posture, your pain may return. It’s also important to avoid straining your back through heavy lifting or other very strenuous activities.

Long-term relief for disc-related pain

It’s important to note that VIA Disc NP therapy is not a cure for degenerative disc disease, but it can help regenerate discs and relieve the painful symptoms associated with it and other disc-related pain. 

For the best results, it’s essential to adhere to your rehabilitation program after treatment, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and follow your doctor’s guidance closely. If you notice your symptoms returning, call the office and schedule an evaluation immediately.

To learn more about VIA Disc NP therapy and other treatments to relieve your painful symptoms, book an appointment online or over the phone with the team at our two locations in San Antonio, Texas, today.