Nearly 40 million Americans suffer from migraines, severe headaches that cause symptoms like nausea, visual disturbances, throbbing pain, and extra sensitivity to light, sound, and smell. While these headaches can be debilitating wherever they occur, they’re especially troublesome during work.
Advanced Spine and Pain Center is a leading provider of migraine treatment, focusing on therapies to relieve symptoms and reduce their frequency. In this post, our team offers tips to help you manage your migraines at work or wherever they occur.
When you feel a migraine coming on, try taking a 15-20-minute break to close your eyes and rest in a quiet, darkened area. Try deep breathing to reduce stress, or use a mindfulness app. If you can, take a short power nap.
Bright lights and screen glare can magnify symptoms for some people. If possible, try to keep the lighting in your area dim or use computer glasses or even sunglasses. Arrange your computer so the sun doesn’t cause an uncomfortable reflection.
If migraines cause noise sensitivity, consider keeping a pair of noise-canceling headphones on hand. Let your boss know about your migraines and make sure they’re OK with headphone use while you’re on the job.
Hunching over a desk or workspace for long periods of time can make symptoms worse and might even trigger migraines. Take time to stretch and change your focus, and consider using an ergonomic desk or chair to enhance your posture.
Dehydration—even mild dehydration — can trigger migraines, too. Keep a water bottle on hand and make a point to sip from it throughout the day. Avoid caffeinated drinks and sugary energy drinks. If you crave flavor, add cucumber or citrus slices to your water bottle or throw in a sprig of mint.
Hunger can contribute to migraine symptoms, so keep some snacks in your drawer in addition to a water bottle. Crackers, a protein bar, or fresh fruit or vegetables can stave off hunger without contributing to nausea.
Stock that drawer with some pain medicine, too. Over-the-counter pain medications can help blunt the severity of migraine pain, or try inhaling some essential oils, like mint or lavender.
Our team uses a holistic approach to migraine treatment featuring medication and other therapies to lessen symptom severity and even reduce the frequency of your headaches. We can also help you identify potential triggers at work so you can take steps to prevent flare-ups. Together, we’ll create a migraine management plan that’s effective at work, home, and other settings.
Don’t let migraine pain control your life or your health. To learn how we can help, book an appointment online or over the phone with the team today at our two locations in San Antonio, Texas.